Joining SEMBOA is joining a community of industry professionals. We aim to be your professional resource for jobs, collaboration, education and news.
Types of members:
Class A: Active members
Any person who is an Inspector of buildings, Building Commissioner or Local Inspector of a city or town of the Commonwealth
Payment of such annual dues
Active member of the corporation as he/she continues to be qualified
Has the right to vote at meetings of the membership
Has the right to hold office
Class B: Associate members
Any person whose affiliation would be beneficial to both the Association and themselves may apply for membership
Upon a vote of the majority of members present and voting at a membership meeting, such person shall have the right to vote at meetings of the membership and shall have the right to hold office
Class C: Honorary life members
Any person, upon a vote of the majority of members present and voting at a membership meeting, shall be an Honorary Life Member of the association
An honorary life member shall continue as a member for the term of his/her natural life
Can’t hold any office
Not required to pay dues
Right to vote at membership meeting.